Friday, May 24, 2013


I took these pictures a year or two ago.  I think I had them posted before...or I had sent them to my friend on the other side of the hill.  Can't remember, but here they are.

Late in the afternoon, Baby Owl poked his head out of the old owl/duck box.

Mama Owl wondered what was so interesting

Mama Owl decided to leave for a moment and another Baby Owl took her place peering out the hole

We will wait and watch for her

Here she comes! And look what she has brought us! A very, very large worm!

Are you going to share that with me?

No!  Baby Owl shook that worm and ate the whole thing.

 Both Baby Owls disappeared back into the box. They soon reappeared, climbing through a concealed hole in the back of the box and up onto the roof.

This is pretty roomy up here. Wonder when Mama Owl is coming back.

Here she comes! I wonder if she is going to make us come inside.

Baby Owls, come inside! It is starting to get dark out and I want to make sure you are safe inside before I go out to find you some more food.

Mama Owl left again after both Baby Owls went back into the box...and then another Baby Owl appeared on top! Then there were three!

Both Baby Owls disappeared from the hole in front of the box. The one on the roof did not move. He was soon joined by a sibling.

I watched until I could not see through the darkness anymore. In the morning I was privileged to see them all jump from the box and walk through the tall grass into the woods while Mama Owl called them to safety.


  1. I remember these pictures. They are so darn cute:)

    I can't believe that you lost all your pictures:(

  2. Really cute. It's amazing that you got to see all that. I love owls.

  3. So glad to see the owls all time favorite post! Sorry about the loss of your wonderful photos, but I am quite sure Cremnrabble will be back, better than ever.

  4. Well, I haven't done much blog trotting this year, but am busily doing so now, and even though this post goes back to May, I must say, incredible! I love your owl pictures!

  5. That was a incredible post & what a treat for you!
