Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Egrets, Weedeating, Mowing

Did some more work on the slope in back of the house. Starting clearing the blackberries, Scotch Broom, small fir trees and various other things the first week we moved in. Lets see, July 2016? 
This whole slope was almost entirely Scotch Broom and blackberries.. I believe at one point in the property, this slope must of been lawn. The Rhodies and huckleberries under the large trees are thick and must of been the end point for the lawn. 
Anyway, I am slowly, very slowy, clearing some more pockets of view through the trees. Want to leave all the bird bushes, Rhodies, ferns and huckleberries I can. 
I know, it looks like it has been scalped, but the grass will grow and green up again in no time and the slope will look soft again and a bit more open. There are pathways through the Rhodies that I will reopen. The deer keep them open. I will just widen them a bit.

 The Egrets came around the bend for dinner this evening when the tide went out. If I keep working at thinning things a bit more, pruning and limbing a few of the understory plants selectively, I will be able to see the waterway and the beautiful grass that borders it. And I will have pathways through the Rhodies and trees to wander on that can then be managed (while I am able).  A bit park like. If I do nothing, the view will disappear again again. 

 Last year you could not even see this view. There was a rather large fir tree in the way. I took my tiny hand saw and worked at it once and a while...This year I have a chain saw. I will have to go back into the thick and cut it up properly.

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